The Pudgy Mac mini

I see a plethora of Mac minis at Macminicolo everyday so I'm really, really familiar with the dimensions and look. I can easily spot when a Mac mini doesn't look right in an image. So, this is the reason the official Mac mini order page just drives me crazy.

Here is the page with the offending Mac mini circled:


Now, if you screenshot just the Mac mini, this is what it looks like:


However, if you pull the image from the page and open it in, it looks normal:


They take an image that should be 146px high and stretch it to 180px. In other words, the mac mini is the same size horizontally, but is stretched vertically. 


Yes, I know this is nit-picky. Yes, I think Apple would prefer not to make a sleek Mac look pudgy. And no, I'm not trying to read into it as a rumor of a future tall Mac mini. And no, I don't color coordinate my ties and socks. 

I just bothers me so I'm going to point it out and make it bother other people as well.