Integrate Owncloud with Open Directory on a Mac


The other day, we took a look at installing Owncloud on a Mac mini. This is part two where we integrate Owncloud with Open Directory (OD). Again, we appreciate the help of @kolbyallen on these tutorials.

Owncloud has a user management you can use but if you deploy OD then you can sync passwords and users. This part assumes you have OpenDirectory enabled with a user that is in the “Directory Administrator” group. Also note that Owncloud does not keep users in the correct groups, it just provides synced user account experience. So let's get started:

  1. Open up your Owncloud install and go to the gear in the lower left corner, click on Apps

  2. In the apps panel scroll to LDAP user and group backend, select it and click enable

  3. Now click on Admin in the lower left. You will now be presented with a basic LDAP configuration settings page

  4. You will need to create a user account that is apart of the group Open Directory Administrators. You will use this username below where is says adminusername

  5. Enter in the follow information for the LDAP Basic (This should be your domain, obviously. We are using as an example):


Host: (your OD domain)

Base: dc=ml, dc=macminicolo, dc=net (think of dc taking the place of all periods)

Name: uid=adminusername, cn=admin, dc=ml, dc=macminicolo, dc=net

Password; <user pw>

User Login Filter: uid=%uid

User List Filter: objectClass=posixAccount

Group Filter: objectClass=posixGroup

Click Save

Now you should be able to go the Users in the lower left and see all your OD users and then a listing of groups they can be added to. *NOTE: This will add all users in your OD, including the hidden ones. So be careful who you give Owncloud admin access to.

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