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Macminicolo - service

An update on

For a long time, we ran on a Mac mini in our data center. In fact, we launched it over six years ago. Here is the original link from announcing the service.

For all of those years, the service was ran on a single Mac mini. When other servers melted, a Mac mini server handled the traffic no problem. Some days, it would be accessed by a hundred thousand people on a single post. In the last year, it's been used very little. It seems like most sites can handle the Daring Fireball traffic. (This probably has something to do with so much content being on big sites now instead of individual Wordpress blogs.)

Today, we've decided to take down the It's been nearly a year since the last big spike of traffic due to a fireballed site. The backend process of caching and storing sites was beginning to show it's age. All past pages should still be available in the archives though.

If you'd like to build and run the service, feel free to reach out. It'd be even better if you decide to rebuild it using one of
our Mac mini server options.


About Macminicolo
Macminicolo, a Las Vegas colocation company, has been hosting Mac minis since their introduction in January 2005. They are the leaders in this niche market and are known for their personal service. They currently host hundreds of Mac minis for satisfied customers located in 36 different countries around the world. Get more info on our frequently asked questions page.

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